Friday, November 13, 2015

Skywatch--Beware the comet!

Not a real comet, but a jet plane, I think, or perhaps I've spotted a UFO and didn't know it.

I opted to say it was a comet, since today is Friday the 13th...  Historically, comets were thought to be harbingers of bad luck.  For example, the Bayeux Tapestry shows a comet when Harold of Essex snatched the English throne from William of Normandy, soon to be known as The Conqueror.

Are you superstitious?  Will you be cautious today?

See other skies on SKYWATCH.


Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful! Great catch.

Alexa said...

Well, I'll be careful NOW. And well-captured!

William Kendall said...

Terrific shot! If I were superstitious, the notion of a black cat being the family cat for years on end would have bothered me.

Bob Crowe said...

No, no, no, I'm a hard science guy. I must admit, though, that when I was growing up in Queens my sister and I insisted we say alien spacecraft every night. Then our parents told us they were planes landing at La Guardia. What a let down.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I vote for a UFO! I like the strong lines in your photo.

Indrani said...

I once had a serious accident on one 13th the Friday many years back. Though I am not superstitious the memories scare me. :P :)
Loved reading your post. :)

Thérèse said...

Pas superstitieuse pour un sou mais les superstitions populaires me tiennent parfois en alerte.

Lowell said...

My comet, er comment is thus: If you don't know what it is for sure, then it must be a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object). Or, it could be Donald Trump.

Gaelyn said...

Nice shot. The 13th just came and went for me.


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