Thursday, December 10, 2015


One of those times when I took a rather good accidental shot.  Somehow I switched on my double exposure button....  Not sure how I did that....

Anyway, the first shot I think was of a pigeon flying off and the second (which I had no idea would be part of a double exposure) was this hooded crow who had been perched on that 'pedestal'.  Like many birds I want to photographic in still position, as soon as he saw my zoom, he took off. I am convinced birds think it's a gun.

Anyway, here's the result.


Thérèse said...

La loi du hasard fait parfois bien les choses. La preuve en est.

William Kendall said...

Beautifully captured. It's got quite an artistic sensibility.

Lowell said...

There are time when serendipity pays off in excellent. This is one of them...if you're for the birds! :)

Gaelyn said...

Interesting result. Haven't used the multiple exposure since we did at Zion.

Luis Gomez said...


Alexa said...

A very happy "accident."


 This pigeon was stuffing itself with a piece of poppyseed cake, a very popular cake here. I had heard that if humans consume an adequate am...