Monday, December 7, 2015

MONDAY MURALS--Make money, not art....?

What do you think?  Would you rather make money or art?  Mind you, no one says you can't do them together.

See other murals on MONDAY MURALS.


Thérèse said...

Yes together of course.

s.c said...

Indeed both, but there are some nice paintings there.

Halcyon said...

That's a difficult choice! Ideally, it would be good if you could make money doing whatever you love (art or anything else). Nice selection for today.

Indrani said...

A difficult choice.
These are great creations.

Tom said...

Great graffiti style.

William Kendall said...

You can do both. The third element, in black and white, really catches the eye.

Bob Crowe said...

That is a discussion that has gone on for millennia. But without money the production of art doesn't go on very long.

Alexa said...

You're fortunate for sure if you can do both!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

The Mucha figure subtly draws attention. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


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