Monday, December 14, 2015

MONDAY MURALS--"Who's that singing over there?"

A mural dedicated to the film "Who's that singing over there?" (Ko to tamo peva?) that you can read about in English on this link.

The film is a dark comedy about a group of travelers in a bus to Belgrade in 1941, during the last days of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, just before the Axis occupation.

See other murals on Monday Murals.

NOTE:  I should have pointed out that this mural isn't advertising the film itself, but rather a restaurant by the same name.  


Little Wandering Wren said...

It's great to the link to the background - it's a powerful and moving image when you know the story behind it. Have a lovely Monday!
Wren x

s.c said...

I like it that you can find murals indeed everywhere.

Tom said...

Singing and have a jolly good time!

Tanya Breese said...

i like this one!

William Kendall said...

It stands out well.

Thérèse said...

Un film qui même d'humeur "noire" m'intéresserait de voir. Il revient donc sur les écrans de Belgrade?

LOLfromPasa said...

I bet the film is interesting. Great mural.

Gaelyn said...

Interesting that a mural is painted to advertise a movie.

Pat said...


Actually, the mural advertising a bar/restaurant named for the movie! Every now and then this classic film is shown on TV.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

The mural has a nostalgic feel to it. Is it a political act to watch and discuss the movie? Does the restaurant serve old traditional dishes? Or maybe provides music like that in the movie? See what a mural can do--raises all kinds of interesting questions. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


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