Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sweep my chimney...

When she saw a handsome man, my grandmother used to say, "He can put his shoes under my bed any time!" (Go, grannie, go!)

I'll paraphrase her by saying this chimney sweep can sweep my chimney anytime....oh, if I only had a chimney....


William Kendall said...

He looks pretty serious. No 'allo guvnor out of this one.

Thérèse said...

I could say the same thing. I wished for a house with a chimney when we were looking for a house and this one had none...

Gaelyn said...

You have not only a sharp eye but good taste as well.

Lowell said...

When we first moved to Ocala our house had a chimney that needed tending to and we found a chimney sweep in the area who did the job! I'd never met one before that.

Alexa said...

He looks like he might like to sweep your chimney!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.