Saturday, December 12, 2015

WEEKEND REFLECTIONS--rainy reflection

Just a walk in the rain. They were oblivious to the reflection, but I was not.

See other reflections on WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.


Lowell said...

Very colorful. I really like the photo! Looks kinda cold.

Kate said...

Not only rainy but it looks a little chilly, too. I like the colored reflection.

Thérèse said...

Un peu de couleurs dans la grisaille, cela fait du bien.

s.c said...

Yes rain makes beautiful reflections only you don't feel that way finding yourself there. Nice shot.

Alexa said...

Looks like she wasn't oblivious to you, though. :~}

namaki said...

The colorful reflections add a little joy to the surrounding greyness ;-)

Gaelyn said...

Caught in the act again.

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful shot Pat! Love the reflection in the rain.

William Kendall said...

Great colour!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Nice splash of color falling to the sidewalk.


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