Wednesday, January 13, 2016

ABC WEDNESDAY--"A" is for "all together"

 A view of a tightly packed tram in Prague, Czech Republic.

See other As on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


Leslie: said...

I avoid times when transit would be packed, but did experience this sort of thing when in London.

abcw team

carol l mckenna said...

great candid shot for A ~ looks like Boston T ~

Wishing you a joyful week ~ ^_^

William Kendall said...

Crammed in like sardines, I see.

photowannabe said...

That is too much "All together" for me...

namaki said...

Nice urban capture !

Shooting Parrots said...

Commuting is the same the world over then!

Unknown said...

The same word but different stories... how nice

Have a nice abc-day / week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Kate said...

Yup, they are ALL-together and definitely not ALONE.

Gaelyn said...

Too crowded for me but a great shot.

Was just teasing about seeing 'you' reflected.

Anonymous said...

This pic reminds me of my childhood, going by bus or train to school or other places - and sometimes it would be like this - packed! A very intriguing pic with all kinds of expressions on their faces:)

Hildred said...

In my early City days this was a familiar site, but rural transportation is much different. Sometimes I wish there was a bus.....

Bob Crowe said...

I've ridden those trams and I remember. It can't compare to the New York subway at rush hour, though.

Roger Owen Green said...

mass transit rules

Thérèse said...

I like the bottom right corner of the picture.

Alexa said...

I'm afraid Bob Crowe is right (unfortunately). Some of these folks seem to have spotted you—but the young man bottom left only has eyes for his friend. Sweet.


 Two summer ago I went with my family to  Barcelona. Gorgeous weather, not too hot, but very sunny. Couldn't resist photographing this l...