Wednesday, February 10, 2016

ABC WEDNESDAY--"E" is for "Eat me" or....ewwww.....

There's a place in Belgrade's Bohemian quarter, Skadarlija, that has been around for years.  For many years, they baked the best bread and sold various cheese-type spreads to make sandwiches with the bread.  Yum.

They also made goulash, served in the fashion you see above. They still make it.....but I stopped in around 10 a.m. after my dog walk, just starving. Ordered one.  It was really good, but the beef was nowhere to be found....there were sliced kidneys....which I don't mind; ate it all.  The sign said 'goulash', to be fair, but no mention of kidneys....

See other Es on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


William Kendall said...

A very different way to eat goulash. I've had it, but it's been many years.

John M said...

I'd like beef better.

Indrani said...

That should taste good. Yumm presentation.
Happy ABCW!

Merisi said...

Beautiful image!

Austrians also like to serve soup and stews in small round bread loaves.
"Goulash" can be made of all sorts of meats, even with potatoes. Viennese love their Kartofellgulasch and another favorite here is the Szegediner Goulash, made with sauerkraut and pork.

Shooting Parrots said...

I'm still trying to work out how you would eat it without getting gravey down the front of your shirt!

MelodyK said...

indeed yummm.... you raise my apetite ;-)

have a nice abc-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Lowell said...

So, it was after you finished eating that you found out they'd been "kidneying" you?

Bill said...

Looks very appetizing!

Roger Owen Green said...

I'd eat it!


Gaelyn said...

I love goulash but usually make it with pork, certainly not kidneys. Great way to serve it in fresh bread.

Ann said...

Looks yummy to me.

Liesbethblogt said...

O jummm it looks very good!

Thanks for sharing


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.