Monday, February 8, 2016

Two and a half men

From the sit-com comes the title. This is another hip shot of mine, not unnoticed.... I'm sorry I couldn't get all three of these men in. I should have just been bold and asked for a photo (in exchange for a beer for them).  When I do that, though, people often strike strange, frozen poses.

In any case, what caught my eye was their natural poses.  There's some trace of elegance in them; hands folded just so, legs crossed....


William Kendall said...

They look like they've seen some hard living.

LuiZ FernandoS said...


Gaelyn said...

Yet another great and almost candid shot.

Bob Crowe said...

These are so hard. Could you crop it in portrait form to cut the man on the right, keeping the faces and hands of the other two?

Pat said...

Hi, Bob. I thought of doing that, but decided to leave it as is with the title. Sure, I could crop and may at some point, but I kind of wanted to keep the trio. I am sorry I didn't ask them for a photo and then could have framed better, but so, so often I get these stiff poses and that ruins the effect. :(

Bill said...

great image!! I like it with all 3 men in the photo. In my opinion if you ask permission then you risk getting a photo that doesn't show their real character. To ask or not to ask, that's the dilemma,

Alexa said...

I think it's a great hip shot. And these guys have wonderful faces!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.