Wednesday, March 23, 2016

ABC WEDNESDAY--"K" is for "kermes"

"Kermes," in case you didn't know as I didn't before I looked up 'unusual words beginning with K,' is a brilliant red color or a red color derived from insects.

Not sure if any insects contributed to this eye-catching red on Belgrade's walking street, but the color brightened up my day.

See other Ks on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


carol l mckenna said...

Creative choice for K and lovely photo to emphasize the word ~ thanks

Happy Weekend coming to you ~ ^_^

William Kendall said...

Great shade of red. I wouldn't have known that!

Photo Cache said...

A very educational post.


Luis Gomez said...


Bob Crowe said...

Well, you taught me something interesting, something a photographer should know.

Roger Owen Green said...

a new word!


MelodyK said...

maybe the color red of ladybugs?

Lovely entry and always to learn something new

Have a nice ABC-Wednesday-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)

Shooting Parrots said...

And there was me thinking that kermes was a Greek god!

Indrani said...

Great composition!

Lowell said...

Well, I learned something new here today. Love that red color.



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.