Friday, March 4, 2016

SKYWATCH--not quite spring

Photo taken the other day in Pancevo, a town about 15 kilometers from Belgrade.

No visible signs of spring, but they're not too long in coming, I think, judging by the weather.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautifully composed shot and a pretty sky!

Bill said...

I like how the clouds hang over the trees. Reminds me of a painting.

Luis Gomez said...


Bob Crowe said...

we're in the middle of the continent, of course, far from the sea, but we're on about the same parallel as Rome. Expect to see some buds here soon.

Anonymous said...

The sky background is perfect for this row of bare trees! Artsy design:) Enjoy your weekend1

Anonymous said...

Stunning shot.

Lowell said...

Very nice shot. I'll bet this is a beautiful spot in the summer.

Photo Cache said...

Well done. The trees are lovely.

Worth a Thousand Words

joanna said...

Winter trees - so beautiful, that I am reluctant to exchange them for foliage. You certainly made the most of them in this picture.

Gaelyn said...

That great shot still looks like winter to me but spring must be on the way. Seeing buds around here.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.