Tuesday, June 14, 2016


I am often absent from Belgrade during the short peony season, but this year, since I had just returned from India, I put off my annual trip to the US until this December.

I managed to buy some peonies on the market, and photograph these at an  outdoor cafe, where two men chat, oblivious to their beauty and fragrance.


Lowell said...

Wait, I think the guy on the left is asking, "Hey, do you smell something really nice?" And the other guy responds, "I'll bet it's those peonies over there on that wee table." And the first guy says, "I'll bet I know where they came from, too. You remember Pat?" The other guy says, "Oh, no one could forget Pat!"

William Kendall said...

They are a pretty sight!

Bob Crowe said...

Oblivious men? What a novelty.

Bill said...

Nice framing on the photo! Oblivious, hmm :)

Gaelyn said...

A treat to enjoy the spring flowers. Even if these two guys don't.

Alexa said...



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.