Thursday, December 1, 2016

THEME DAY--Transitions...what lies ahead

A difficult theme, or else I found it so because I had not much time to think about it.  Transition is change; some predictable, some not.

The predictable transitions are perhaps easier to cope with, if only because we have time to get used to them.  Those transitions we cannot foresee, such as suddenly being faced with a life-threatening illness, are the most challenging.

A bit like driving down life's highway.  On a clear day you can perceive sooner what lies around the bend.  I tend to think, however, that life is more like driving through the fog:  you can't always tell what lies ahead.

See more variations on this theme at THEME DAY.


William Kendall said...

A thoughtful take on the theme.

The weather's pretty much the same here. We've had fog that just hasn't lifted.

Jim said...


Babzy.B said...

very good illustration of the theme :)

BarbRad said...

I love the way you handled the theme. Driving from clear weather into a fog is indeed a transition. I like the way you also applied it to life.

Bill said...

A wonderful entry for theme. The fog is not so heavy here now but still lingers along with rain today.

Thérèse said...

Une magnifique interprétation, j'aime le brouillard car il peut durer comme il peut s'évaporer en un instant comme il a fait ce matin à Toulouse.

Lowell said...

I often feel like I'm in a fog so I know what you're talking about. This is an excellent theme day post.

Lois said...

What a lovely photo and a great interpretation of this month's theme.

Gaelyn said...

Good interpretation.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.