Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Through a dirty window

It was balmy enough the other day for a friend and me to sit outdoors.  This Papillon's owner preferred to sit indoors, so this little chap had to peer through a not-so-clean window.


William Kendall said...

Oh, what a sweetie!

Kate said...

How this little fella wants to join you!!

Thérèse said...

La fenêtre aurait été propre, la photo aurait été moins attractive...

Lowell said...

Looks very friendly and I'm guessing is a good companion. You got a nice clean shot through dirty windows.

Alexa said...

And the little papillon clearly wanted to be outdoors with you.

Gaelyn said...

An adorable face.


This phone 'booth' has been in this place for ages. I may just pass at the wrong time, but I have never seen anyone using it. I thin...