Monday, December 12, 2016

Every little bit....

I see this lady in various parts of town, and she seems so in love with her dog, like many less fortunate people do.  I always give her something, and when she's close to my pet shop, I buy the dog food.


Lowell said...

That little dog is probably her only friend or only family she has. Thank you for helping her and the dog!

Lois said...

Such a sweet little face on the dog. They seem to have a wonderful bond. So glad there are people like you to help them.

Gunn said...

Nice of you to help.
I see many people begging here too, but they are from abroad and I guess it would have been difficult to bring the dog in to the country.

William Kendall said...

Quite poignant.

Bill said...

The dog looks like he is comfortable and loved. It's wonderful that you help both the woman and dog, many people wouldn't.

Gaelyn said...

Bless you.

Indrani said...

That is kind of you! May God bless you!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.