Sunday, January 1, 2017


2017 is here....and the green lights are up for moving ahead....I wonder  how well this will work with the new president of the Free World.....  Personally, I wish we could run full speed through these lights until 2020.....and I hope not all the way to 2024...


Denton said...

Many of us agree. Love your photographic analogy

Alexa said...

Wel said and here's hoping he doesn't tweet us all to kingdom come! Meanwhile, I'm resolving to try to visit my blogpals more faithfully in the new year. Happy (and hopeful, malgré tout) New Year to you.

William Kendall said...

A good way to look at the new year!


 As temperatures drop, I am always curious about water birds' feet. I finally looked up the reason why they don't just get their fee...