Monday, May 15, 2017

A sweeping display

Eye-catching too, along with being a sweeping display....  These brooms hang over a cafe in BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT. This site is in Serbian, but if you wish, you can see what's going on by looking up BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT on Facebook.


Thérèse said...

Tu as le chic pour dégoter ce dont j'ai besoin en ce moment... difficile d'en trouver de bonne qualité par ici, Le notre vient de "péter" en voulant faire fuir une araignée! Je me demande quelle sera ta prochaine photo? :-)

Gaelyn said...

That shot makes me smile. LOVE the header shot.

Lowell said...

Very interesting. And I had a long comment I was going to make, but I got so swept up in my emotions - well, it disappeared! :)

William Kendall said...



 Well, not the entire roof. Just the back side, which is not visible here. Every year I make a gingerbread house. Notice I said 'made,...