Wednesday, May 10, 2017

ABC WEDNESDAY--Reading....or not....

These gentlemen were reading in line to pass the time until they were able to get a free skin cancer check-up for seniors.  Actually, since Serbia has a socialized medicine program, all exams and treatments are without cost, so not sure why they chose to stand in line....

Notice the difference between them and the younger generation...

See other Rs on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


William Kendall said...

At least the seniors are making more productive use of their time than the proverbial zombies!

Kate said...

This looks like a bit of a prayer service.

MelodyK said...

and what are they reading

Eliades Ochoa said...

"Actually, since Serbia has a socialized medicine program, all exams and treatments are without cost, so not sure why they chose to stand in line..."

Well, sure You know that is quite difficult to make an appointment with a doctor. So usually people go to non-government medical clinics, if they have money of course...

Roger Owen Green said...

REAL reading is safer!

Joy said...

I would imagine they have timed appointments but a productive use of waiting time.

Gaelyn said...

Wow, they're holding books instead of phones.


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.