Monday, May 1, 2017

THEME DAY--Let's eat!

While out dog walking near an outdoor market where I rarely go, I was lured down a street by the scent of baked bread....irresistible.

I found this  bakery that sells its wares the lowest I've seen.  There are about 111 dinars to $1.00, so you can see for yourself.  The 70-dinar and 20-dinar prices are for 100 grams, about 4 ounces.

See other yummies on THEME DAY.


Merisi said...

Beautiful array of tempting baked goods, and the prices are enticing too!

AsAeenBySusan said...

Did you try some? Were they as good as they looked? Sometimes I've been fooled by good looking breads and pastries that turn out to be no so good tasting.

Mike Nice said...

I miss the old world European bread baked in the styles in this bakery!

BarbRad said...

One thing that still stands out in my memory from my trip to Belgrade decades ago was the bread. Your photo brings back the memory of how good that bread tasted with apricot preserves. I've never been able to duplicate it here.

Bill said...

The aroma of baked bread is irresistible. We used to live about 1km from Irish Pride Bakery and could smell it every morning.

William Kendall said...

That would definitely draw me right inside!

Karl said...

I'm with bill, the aroma of baked bread is really irresistible !
Good choice for the theme !

Thérèse said...

J'aimerais goûter un de chaque. La seule chose dont je me bourre à Belgrade ce sont les pogacices accompagnés de yaourt(s). Un régal, j'en ramène même congelés.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.