Saturday, May 27, 2017

WEEKEND REFLECTIONS---oriental pastries

I was good.  So good. I did  not give in to buying any of these super-sweet pastries on one of Belgrade's oldest streets, Balkanska Ulica.

Instead, I decided to take them all home with me, digitally.

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.


William Kendall said...

I'd be tempted!

Lowell said...

My definition of "good" is different from yours. I'd be very good and buy one of each!

Gunn said...

Looks yummy!

Thérèse said...

Quand je me trouve quelque part où je ne peux manger ce que j'aimerais, je m'installe confortablement dans un fauteuil, où ailleurs, et j'ouvre un livre de cuisine, cela assouvit mes envies très rapidement.

merlecolibri said...

delicious & nice reflections

Gaelyn said...

I don't know how you resisted. Although the photo is good it wouldn't be enough for me. One of each please.

James said...

Such will power! Nice reflection! :-)


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