Wednesday, June 28, 2017

ABC WEDNESDAY--"X" is for "Danger"

The skull and crossbones on this sign by the side of the road in Prozor, Bosnia/Herzegovina, warns not to walk in that area, due to the possibility of mines.....  The area of course was swept following the 1990s wars, but who wants to take the risk?

See other Xs on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


Lowell said...

I will happy stay out of the area, although it's a shame it can't be used as it's very pretty. BTW, my new blog isn't working so I'm back posting on my Ocala blog.

William Kendall said...

Considering there are areas in Europe where the First World War's legacy is still buried, it doesn't surprise me that places like this would be there, since it's more recent.

carol l mckenna said...

Certainly says danger to me ~ neat photo ~ ^_^

MelodyK said...

X for danger and Y for?

Roger Owen Green said...

Y is for YIKES!


 As temperatures drop, I am always curious about water birds' feet. I finally looked up the reason why they don't just get their fee...