Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A threesome....

Occasionally I run across a single shoe on the street....and I always wonder how it was lost.  Here, though, there are three, and none of them match.

Never did discover the story behind these slippers, and doubt if these three will tell their tale either.


LuiZ FernandoS said...

Two cinderelas fighting for one prince

William Kendall said...

You wonder where the stray matches are.

Ed said...

Hey! I wondered where that damned shoe went.I should have known he was out hanging around with those ner-do-wells.

Thérèse said...

Comme l'histoire des chaussettes que l'on ne retrouve jamais?


This phone 'booth' has been in this place for ages. I may just pass at the wrong time, but I have never seen anyone using it. I thin...