Wednesday, August 2, 2017

ABC WEDNESDAY--"D" is for "dinosaur"

Visited the dinosaur exhibit in Kalemegdan Park and was surprised to see that there was a dinosaur called the Irritator. Who knew? Certainly not me.

I had my picture taken with the sign, since some close to me think I am an irritator.

See other Ds on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Jack said...

You are no irritator. You are a hot babe!

Bob Crowe said...

I didn't know that some of my clients were dinosaurs.

Leslie: said...

I guess dinosaurs did roam the entire world - as it was - in those days! There's also a place in Alberta that people flock to to see the dinosaurs.

abcw team

Deepa said...

Nice take for this week

Click Here to see what Mrs. Dash Says

ABC-Wednesday said...

Hi irritator ;-) ;-) ;-)
Kind regards of another irritator ;-) ;-) ;-)

We, the irritating kind, are the most lovable people, are we not?
Have a wonderful ABC-wednesday / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ abc-w-team

Thérèse said...

J'avoue avoir pas mal oublié de faits sur le sujet depuis la scolarité des garçons... c'était tellement à la mode quand ils ont grandit.

Sandi said...

They really need to step up their dinosaur naming. I am irritated! Ha!

Serbia? I will be reading your blog with wide eyes. I was on a trip once and we wanted to travel through Serbia. It was discouraged, however, because it was the mid nineties and there was some...conflict. I am American. I didnt know much about the conflict then and I still probably dont, but since then I have come to think of these things more deeply. Serbia might have been a good place to visit.

Roger Owen Green said...

oh, not YOU!


William Kendall said...

Who'd have thought? I'd rate my idiot ex-brother-in-law as an irritator!

Betty said...

I've never heard of that one either!


This phone 'booth' has been in this place for ages. I may just pass at the wrong time, but I have never seen anyone using it. I thin...