Wednesday, September 20, 2017

ABC WEDNESDAY "K" is for "Kelpie"

 A kelpie is defined as "a water spirit of Scottish folklore, typically taking the form of a horse, reputed to delight in the drowning of travelers."   

No kelpie in sight here, since these folks might not be so safe....

See other ks on ABC WEDNESDAY.


William Kendall said...

Pleasant spot! I have heard the term before.

Lowell said...

I've not heard of a Kelpie before. But if it's part of Scottish folklore, it's probably real. Or not. This couple appears to be tourists with identical carrying straps. If so, I'd guess they'd probably scare any Kelpies away! :))

Sandi said...

I watched a movie about a girl who was hiding out from bad guys. Some kids thought she was a kelpie. I was so hoping she really was...but no.

UplayOnline said...

I'd guess they'd probably scare any Kelpies away! :))



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.