Thursday, September 14, 2017


Last weekend I took a day trip with some friends to the small town of Irig, about an hour's drive from Belgrade.

The main street was beautifully kept-up, and even this tilted lamp post looks good.


Lowell said...

It does look very clean and neat. Are you sure it's the lamp post that is tilted and not the photog? Heh, heh.

William Kendall said...

Good shot!

Thérèse said...

Amusant! A Paris il y a de plus en plus de feux rouges de travers, les lampadaires c'est plus dur à tordre...

Bill said...

Great shot and good eyes, I like this image!


 I watched this couple for quite a while. Each was engrossed in their phones....but then suddenly they shared something. A text, a photo, wh...