Saturday, December 16, 2017

Taking a break....

I haven't posted since the end of September....that's a long time ago. The reason was that I have been in India or nearly three months, and since I was most of the time without Internet, it was nearly impossible to post.

That said, I am back now....but realize I need to take a blog break. "I shall return," as General MacArthur said, but I honestly don't know when.

Right now, I am going to devote myself to a bit of editing and writing. If you see me around Belgrade, I will still have my camera....that I will not put down.

See you one of these days...  Should anyone reading this want a photo of some specific place, perhaps a street or building where they once had lived, for example, write to me and I'll do my best.


Gaelyn said...

Miss you here. Do what you have to.

Alexa said...

I really enjoy your blog, but I also get it: I think we're all a bit "blogged out" these days.

William Kendall said...

We shall see you when we see you.

I'm well behind in reading at the moment, with technical issues- photo captchas- that have me behind two weeks plus now.

Thérèse said...

Un arrêt bien mérité. A bientôt.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.