Friday, June 1, 2018

Theme Day--June 'Me'

Moi, in the center, in 1968, in Paris....and I seem to be the only one of the three who doesn't seem cold. But I was....I remember feeling positively frozen and my feet were damp. Love the knee socks....

See what others have posted at THEME DAY.


William Kendall said...

Excellent choice for the occasion!

Jim said...

Terrific for theme day.

BarbRad said...

A beautiful photo of you with your friends. It does appear you are the only one not visibly shivering.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Nice to see you Bibi.. aaah Paris, if you're going to be cold, being cold in Paris is the best ☺

Jackie McGuinness said...

What photo! I love Paris.

AsAeenBySusan said...

Paris in the rain, shine, heat or cold is always wonderful. What a fun memory.

Small City Scenes said...

Great idea---Three lovelies

Dina said...

I always thought having to wear a skirt in winter is a cruel thing. Glad you are not visibly shivering in this nice old photo. That was the same year that I moved from Chicago to Israel; 1968 was a good year. :)

Thérèse said...

Superbe la photo! Quel souvenir! Que ne ferait-on pas pour apparaître à son mieux sur une photo...


 Looking west from my window. Sometimes sunsets are just blah, but thisone was a stunner. See other skies on SKYWATCH.