Friday, May 31, 2019


Tomorrow's Theme Day will be pink, so here's a ltitle yellow for you today.

A somewhat hazy sunset over New Belgrade, seen from the old city side.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Reflections of Poland

Retirement is great....  I can enjoy traveling near and far when I want. Recently, a former colleague and I traveled once again to Warsaw, where we visited a mutual friend. Laugh fest, food fest...great fun.

This is me practicing my favorite hobby at one of Warsaw's flea markets.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

In the underground passage

Belgrade has a number of underground passages below major streets....and none of them are kept up. It was late when I took this  photo, and the shop behind the walker had already pulled down its metal storefront covers. 

Someone has enjoyed decorating them...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Mini Mila and Me on Monday

Seeing is believing, right? Not right!  This photo was taken by an employee of Belgrade's Museum of Illusions that I visited a while ago with my granddaughter, Mila.

Fun place!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Cinnamon bun

I have lived here 42 years and throughout that time, especially at the beginning,  I have always wished certain things were available: molasses, brown sugar, sweet potatoes...the list goes on, or at least went on for a while, since now those items are available here.

Ah, but a good cinnamon bun was elusive until an enterprising young man opened a shop near me (too near....). Now from time to time I indulge.

Do you like cinnamon buns?

Saturday, May 25, 2019


Since I've just started posting again, I've got to resort to older photos.  This one was taken in Kikinda, Serbia, when I went up last January to see the owls that roost there at that time of the year.

 See this link: Kikinda Owls.

Friday, May 24, 2019


This has to be the biggest boletus (in French, bolet) I have ever seen. My mushroom man on the market where I buy my produce sells these, and they're all big, and they're good!  I didn't  buy this one since I was traveling, but will definitely soon go see what he's got to offer.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

I'm back....

I'm back!  I will try to post every day now. The only thing new, aside from the layout, will be that because I seem to be traveling more often than before, I won't always have a Belgrade photo.

But today I do, even though you may think I took this shot in France. I discovered a new cheese place at Belgrade's Kalenic Market called Francuske Tajne (French Secrets).  I bought a small piece of a goat cheese log (not pictured) and a slice of the Saint-Félicien on  the bottom right (round slices). Both were yummy.

It's a young Frenchman from Savoie who lives in Novi Sad who is the creator of these beauties....  His site is:

Check it out...

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

I'm coming....!

Tomorrow I'll begin posting again....or maybe it's today, since here is a photo....


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?