Thursday, May 23, 2019

I'm back....

I'm back!  I will try to post every day now. The only thing new, aside from the layout, will be that because I seem to be traveling more often than before, I won't always have a Belgrade photo.

But today I do, even though you may think I took this shot in France. I discovered a new cheese place at Belgrade's Kalenic Market called Francuske Tajne (French Secrets).  I bought a small piece of a goat cheese log (not pictured) and a slice of the Saint-Félicien on  the bottom right (round slices). Both were yummy.

It's a young Frenchman from Savoie who lives in Novi Sad who is the creator of these beauties....  His site is:

Check it out...


William Kendall said...


Thérèse said...

Cela me semble bien bon et en concurrence virtuelle avec Betty à Toulouse.

magiceye said...

A yummy post for returning!

See you in Mumbai!

Bob Crowe said...

And we happy to welcome you back. Were you in India for most of your time off?

Bill said...

Welcome back! Will be looking forward to seeing more of your photos.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.