Monday, June 8, 2020

MONDAY MURALS: in memoriam

Last March 21st, there was a terrible fire on the 7th floor of a large apartment building in New Belgrade. It apparently occurred when an elderly invalid  was smoking and when he lit a cigarette, his oxygen tank exploded, destroying his own apartment and I  believe three others on his floor and the one above. Six people died, one of whom is the subject of this mural. He was 26 (the 28 on either side of the mural refers to this section of New Belgrade.)

See other murals on MONDAYMURALS.


magiceye said...

A beautiful tribute to the unfortunate victims of the tragedy.

Bob Crowe said...

We know not the day nor the hour. The next moment is not guaranteed to any of us.

Iris Flavia said...

A very sad one.

Bertiebo said...

So sad...

Sami said...

What a sad ending to so many unfortunate victims.
Nice tribute mural to this young man.
Thanks for participating Bibi.

Taken For Granted said...

Sad to see a mural commemorating a tragic death, but at least people will remember him.

Bill said...

A wonderful tribute but a very sad story.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry I'm so late visiting. This is a great memorial, but so sad because he was so young.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.