Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Desanka Maksimovic

Desanka Maksimovic (1898 - 1993) was one of Serbia's best-loved poets.  Wiki has this to say about her:  Desanka Maksimović was a Serbian poet, writer and translator. Her first works were published in the literary journal Misao in 1920, while she was studying at the University of Belgrade. Within a few years, her poems appeared in the Serbian Literary Herald, Belgrade's most influential literary publication.


Bob Crowe said...

She is surrounded in beauty. About her works I know nothing.

s.c said...

Nice work in a pretty surrounding.

Sandi said...

Interesting! And a very expressive statue.

It is good to see one without graffiti and remaining in place. Here in the USA a bunch of them have been torn down or defaced. Lots going on here.

JudithK said...

What a good thing to see. An older woman, boobs drooping, sitting peacefully, and being commemorated for her work. Nothing to prove, just being.

William Kendall said...

A great setting for this statue.


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...