Monday, February 8, 2021

MONDAY MURALS two quince

 Does quince have a plural? "Quinces" sounds funny.  Anyway, this lovely mural graces the wall next to a restaurant/bar here in Belgrade.

See other murals on Sami's Colourful World.


William Kendall said...

Quite colourful!

Bertiebo said...

Colourful and nice!

Stefan Jansson said...

We call it kvitten.

Sami said...

Quite an unusual mural, never seen fruit painted in a mural, but looks nice.
Yes, quinces is correct. They are not commonly seen in fruit shops here, I've only found them in Asian shops, but in Portugal they are very common and we make a quince paste which is delicious with cheese, to put on bread, with dry cakes :)
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Singular or plural, these are stunning, colorful, and well done.

Thérèse said...

Des couleurs qui font du bien à regarder.


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