Sunday, April 25, 2021

Shadow Shot Sunday--tired of these winter shots....

 Truthfully, this is not a winter photo. It was taken about two weeks ago near Kovin, Serbia.  Still too wintry-looking for me.  Bring on the warmer weather!  (Today it IS warm!)

See other shadows on SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY.


Thérèse said...

Think of it with plenty of tiny green leaves.

Lisa said...

Yes, looks cold, but it's beautiful. I love the starkness and nearly black and white to it.

William Kendall said...

A wonderful shot. Today here we're having off and on thundershowers.

Janice said...

We are definitely in spring heading into summer here in central Texas. Upper 80's this week.

Gaelyn said...

It's a nice shot. But I know what you mean. Been a rather B&W world here for a couple days. I'm ready for winter to go away.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.