Sunday, May 2, 2021


 Today is Serbian Orthodox Easter. I colored eggs yesterday.  In the top photo in the egg cup is this year's first egg, always colored red, at least according to my husband's family.  Beside it lies last year's red egg, which according to tradition, should be buried. You may wonder how you can keep an egg all year. You just dries up inside and when shaken, I can hear the thumpy-thump of the dried up yolk.

The second photo is just an awfully cute whimsical ceramic 'egg'. 


William Kendall said...

Very well done!

JudithK said...

A beautiful dark red. Did you get that just from regular "cake coloring" or "food coloring" or whatever they call it? Happy Easter.

Pat said...

JudiithK, yes. I used a lot of drops, and added some strong white vinegar to the water. Before I used to use just apple cider vinegar, but think this one is better. Left them in a loooong time.

Thérèse said...

Beautiful picture of these two eggs Pat! Happy Easter!

JudithK said...

Thanks for letting me know how you did it. They are so beautiful.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.