Tuesday, June 22, 2021


 This young woman is Dragana, who works in a coffee shop around the corner from me. I pass by nearly every day and occasionally buy some of their wonderful ground coffee. Dragana and Madhu have a love affair of sorts, since Dragana always has some small doggie treats for her. At night when the shop is closed, I have to be careful not to walk by, since Madhu sits and stares through the glass doors, waiting....and is so disappointed she's not there. I carry the same treats and give her one, and we move on.


Rob Siemann said...


Thérèse said...

C'est beau l'Amitié.

s.c said...

Looks like the dog want to say something to its owner. Not to difficult to guess what.

William Kendall said...

The dog is a cutie.

Linda said...

Nice pic, sweet dog!
The elfin character in 1940's Coke ads turns out to be called "Sprite Boy."

Bill said...

What a cutie! We used to walk a neighbor's Westie and everytime we passed the butcher shop, he would want to stop. The butcher always had a bone for him. :) When the shop was closed, we made sure to avoid passing it.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.