Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 This is the time of year when linden trees here are in full bloom, and their fragrance thrills me. Often wondered why no one has made a linden perfume.  Here's a link to one woman's attempt to find a linden perfume.

Here they do make a linden syrup and serve it diluted in ice cold water on a hot summer's day, the likes of which we've been having.

Here's a close-up of linden blossoms.


William Kendall said...

It is pretty.

JudithK said...

What a beautiful tree. I looked it up and there is actually a species with fragrant flowers native to Texas (of all places) which has grey bark. Maybe I will try to find one...either already growing so I can see it, or to be planted. The article I found said they are fast-growing, so even if I am old, if I live long enough, I might see some blooms!!! And smell them....

s.c said...

Looks very beautiful.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.