When I first moved here in 1977, many women this age dyed their hair a bright, bright, orangey red.
Now it seems that there's a rush on pink, since I've seen many pink-haired women recently.
Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
Now it seems that there's a rush on pink, since I've seen many pink-haired women recently.
See other shadows on SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY.
See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.
See other shadows on SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY.
See other reflections on WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.
Praying for rain.
See other skies on SKYWATCH.
See other murals on MONDAY MURALS.
See other shadows on SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY.
But should I ever cast my fate to the wind, I would join these gypsy boys who have no qualms about just hopping right in this large public fountain. Not one passer-by said anything, but also looked at them enviously.
And yes, I found them and gave them a copy of the photo.
See other murals on MONDAY MURALS.
This one is from a few months ago and my friend's dog, who LOVES her sticky, just had to pick up as many 'stickies' as she could.
See other versions of 'sticky' on CITY DAILY PHOTO THEME DAY.