Tuesday, August 31, 2021


 When I first moved here in 1977, many women this age dyed their hair a bright, bright,  orangey red.

Now it seems that there's a rush on pink, since I've seen many pink-haired women recently.


William Kendall said...

She stands out.

s.c said...

Ah yes times are changing and so is the hair color.

JudithK said...

OK, it's been a while now without a post. I hope you are OK!You could just add a note to this one saying, I'm OK. And that would be enough.

JudithK said...

You OK? It's been a while. Hope all is well.

JudithK said...

OK. I don't see my question about your being OK. I hope you are.

JudithK said...

Are you OK? I've asked this before....but it wasn't posted. Hope you are.


 The sign on a sidewalk above an overpass reads "Careful!  Slippery!".  And it was. I gingerly ventured out, holding onto the oran...