Monday, May 30, 2022

MONDAY MURALS---Interpretation?

 We all know who this is.  Written in the blue part in Cyrillic was originally BRAT (in Cyrillic BPAT) in gray letters.  BPAT (BRAT) means 'brother.'  Many older Serbs, and quite a few of the young, feel strong brotherhood ties to Russia, since, for example, both many Serbs are Orthodox, as are many Russians, and Russia liberated Serbia from German control after WWII.

Someone with a paint brush painted over the original B in BPAT, leaving PAT, which means 'WAR' and painted sunglasses on you-know-who, with blood dripping from his eyes.

Not a cheerful mural, but it is what it is.

See other murals on MONDAY MURALS.


JudithK said...

Well now. That's an interesting one. Was the first BRAT rendered before the Ukraine invasion, or after. I am curious. You may not know. But the person who altered it certainly made a statement!

Bertiebo said...

I'm happy with your explanation, otherwise I wouldn't have understood. Interesting

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am NOT a fan of tagging, but I have to admit this tagging actually improved this mural! Sad, but it is indeed what it is.

Sandi said...

I don't like it.

I don't war, but this man gets far too much grief.

Sami said...

Glad the "brother" was changed to "war".
It is a bit sad that some people support his war, but it's expected.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.


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