Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Still in Paris, whereas in reality I am sitting in my apartment in Belgrade, waiting for my COVID confinement to be over.

I'd been discreetly snapping this gentleman from the side. He has a cocktail, a spiffy hat, handkerchief, and was writing with a fountain pen in a moleskin notebook.

I sneaked around a little bit to the front to take a hip shot when this girl flitted out of the cafe and caught his attention.  And mine. Got her photo, too.



JudithK said...

I am so glad you can be desperate to get out....that means you are feeling OK.

JudithK said...

Oh the above comment was supposed to be for yesterday. Today's photo:
good work!!

William Kendall said...

A terrific street shot.

Jack said...

Nice. It has been a while since I have done a "hip shot." Like yours.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.