Tuesday, September 20, 2022



I believe I've posted something about Osage Oranges before, but in a forest near where I am spending a few days, I came accross the group in various stages from freshly fallen to nearly disintegrated. As I was bending over to take the photo, another fell with a loud thud,  just missing me by a few inches. Each weighs about 2 pounds, so getting  one dropped on one'shead could knock one unconscious. Take the photo and run!


JudithK said...

I don't remember the earlier post, but I am astounded as I thought they were native to the southern part of the USA. Just looked them up, and so they are!! How did they get to Belgrade? Was there something about them that made them good import? Guess I could have looked some more. All I remember about them is they make good fence posts. Glad you did not get hit in the head!!

JudithK said...

P.S. I do remember the oranges themselves were supposed to repel kitchen pests. Well, I tried that a very long time ago and all they did was disintegrate and turn into a powder. With no discernable effects elsewhere

Sandi said...

I may have seen these in a specialty store, but I think we don't usually find them for sale here. What do they taste like?


 Two summer ago I went with my family to  Barcelona. Gorgeous weather, not too hot, but very sunny. Couldn't resist photographing this l...