Wednesday, October 12, 2022


 Gas prices here have skyrocketed; traffic is worse and worse, and parking practically impossible in downtown Belgrade.

If I had a covered area where I could safely keep this cycle, I'd think about it...not sure my dog would like the seating arrangement for her though.


William Kendall said...

Perhaps not.

JudithK said...

Somebody told me one time that tricycle things are likely to tump over, the ones with the wheels at front. I don't know if that's true. It does seem that the kiddie sort would be more stable, with wheels on the back. I've always been a bad bicylist though, so have nothing to offer here.
As for your dog, maybe it would depend on how enjoyable the first ride was... might be very much - all those new smells sounds and sights.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.