Friday, December 30, 2022


 Sava Sumanovic (896-1942) was a Serbian painter considered to be one of the most important Serbian painters of the 20th century.  His styles ran from Cubism, Fauvism, and Expressionism. 

I have been to his home and museum in the town of Sid (SHEED), located about an hour and a half from Belgrade. The painting above I recently saw again at a museum exhibit here in Belgrade where I had taken my grandchildren to culture them up more than they already are. :)

Sadly, Sava Sumanovic was executed during the mass genocide of Serbs during WWII in Croatia. He was first tortured, then thrown still alive into a lime pit.


magiceye said...

Beautiful painting. Sad that his life ended the way it did.

Unknown said...

A terrible end. Love his painting.

JudithK said...

My head reels when I try to decipher the Balkan states and the very complicated relationships. Somehow cannot get all the history straight...and then there are the easterners and the westerners all traipsing across and complicating things even more. I do like the paintng. And he was one of many who suffered at his end.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.