Wednesday, January 25, 2023


 In addition to my DSLR that I use pretty much on a daily basis, I have a Nikon bridge camera (Coolpix P510) that I bought quite some time ago for its tremendous zoom capabilities (approx up to 1000 mm). The quality is very, very good, and from time to time I take it for a walk.

In this photo, the subjects were at least 50 yards from me, perhaps more.  The windows you see in the background and the bust on the lower right were way far across the rest of the park from the woman and her dogs, and across another small park.

Downside of the Coolpix P510 is its relatively short battery life, but I carry a spare....


Stefan Jansson said...

I tried super zoom camera a few years ago but never really liked the quality. I always carry two cameras with me.

JudithK said...

Wow,that's far. And as for the subject, I couldn't walk and have dogs on a leash and talk on the phone at the same time. Phew. Old person here.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.