Thursday, February 2, 2023


Today's my birthday, and I share it and my native state with PUNXSUTAWNEY PHIL, the Pennsylvania groundhog who according to legend and a bit of kindly forceful extraction, I imagine, emerges from his hibernation to see or not to see his shadow. If he sees it, six more weeks of winter. If he doesn't see it, spring is on the way sooner than later. Not sure if that's valid for just Punxsutawney or elsewhere, but today here in Belgrade it's raining...and shadow!  Woo! 


Sandi said...

Happy Birthday, Pat! 🎈🎉

JudithK said...

Well Happy Birthday anyway. Just coming out of an ice storm here, so a bit of rain sounds pretty OK to me here in TX. Ha.

Thérèse said...

Joyeux anniversaire Pat. D'après ce que j'ai lu, encore 6 semaines d'hiver… tant mieux quelque part car la chaleur et la sécheresse nous attendent au tournant.

William Kendall said...

Happy birthday!

In Ontario the primary groundhog prognosticator is a fellow named Wiarton Willie.

Tamera said...

Hey, happy birthday! Hope it was a fun day for you!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.