Monday, May 1, 2023


 Goodness.....I took this photo thinking it was a hummingbird, but now I see it isn't. Then I thought it was a Kingfisher, but I don't think it's that either....anyone know?

See other murals on MONDAY MURALS.


JudithK said...

Two very different birds there, at least different beaks. I wouldn't have a clue. But then I don't know European birds very well. Maybe the person who made it just improvised? Artistic license?

Sami said...

Don't know much about birds, but it's a very pretty mural.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.

Stefan Jansson said...

Looks a bit like a Kingfisher.

William Kendall said...

No idea.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.