Sunday, September 10, 2023


 "Slim pickings," for those of you who may not know, means that there's little success in getting something because there's not a lot of it left. Kind of like when you turn up late at a party....

This cat is very thin, whereas many city cats here are chubby.

Don't confused 'slim pickings' with the beloved movie star SLIM PICKENS, whom I especially loved in Mel Brooks' BLAZING SADDLES.


Sandi said...

I hope there is nothing wrong with him!

21 Wits said...

Well hopefully this sweet kitty will take time to eat and that there is food, as well! I've known kitties that eat and eat and still look a bit on the lean side and are checked at the vets as being well! One never knows!

William Kendall said...

This little one needs more.


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.