Friday, September 1, 2023


 Here I am back again after a long hiatus. I have to admit that this is not a new photo (It dates from 2009), when gasoline was still hard  to find at the pumps and had to be smuggled in (albeit very overtly!).

Since we had all been used to this way of selling gasoline for quite some time during the sanctions years before, most of us drivers could tell at a glance by its color which gasoline was best (pale green).

For years now gas stations are working like anywhere else, even if gas is expensive. Right now it is around 189 dinars PER LITER, i.e. around 4 times that for a gallon, give or take. Therefore, an approximate gallon would be 756 dinars or $7.00 a gallon (6.45 euros).  It's always been high, and I was always amused when I heard my American friends in the US complain about gas prices...

See other bottles on CITY DAILY PHOTO THEME DAY.


JudithK said...

Glad you are back! Hope you had a fine time, and will now that you are home as well.

William Kendall said...

A very unusual take on the theme.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.