Saturday, February 1, 2025


 Not the entire motor nor is this Belgrade!  Here is my favorite tuk-tuk driver in Delhi. I stepped out of my hotel one morning and was about to flag down a tuk-tuk, when Sonny zipped up and shouted, "Madame, you are back!" Hard to believe that in such a huge city he found me, but I knew he lived in the area near my hotel.

Sonny is hard-working and honest. Tuk-tuks are my favorite way to get around and if I had my way, I'd ship one back. I did learn however that they are not sold to anyone who is not a tuk-tuk driver, so I guess I may have to move and pass a driving test. Tuk-tuks have either a two-stroke or four-stroke engine, which is Greek to me. I just learned this through the Internet.

See other MOTORS on THEME DAY.


Stefan Jansson said...

A bit unexpected. Nice way to see the city no doubt.

rupam sarma said...

Great pic, Loved the post. Greetings from India


 Seen at the recent Balkan Cheese Festival. I think these are gorgeous. I don't need such a huge one, but I did buy a 'home-size...