"Karpuzy" is what watermelon are called in Greek, and we enjoyed many of them. Prices fell later on from the nearly 1/2 euro a kilo we paid at the beginning of our stay. Here in Serbia, watermelon are "
lubenice," (LOOO-beh-neet-say) and Radovan grows them at home.

Here Radovan is watching "Bibi"s son play a tennis match in all that heat....and thinking about the watermelon that he'll enjoy later on.

In the meantime, after the match he enjoyed the tiny ice cream cone that came with our coffee frappés!
I just took a photo of a big pile of watermelon myself! It is so refreshing in the heat isn't it?! I have so enjoyed following your trip. Your son looks like he has excellent form!
I love seeing Radovan'silhouette as he watches your son play tennis-so cute!
we have many kind of it in our country with diffrent names!
By the way! I really like your Radovan!just tell him ;)
Our blog is updated,Take a look if you want to see a Persian carpet!
Coffee frappe. You're makin' me thirsty!
Looks like another Radovan might be cooling off in prison - if yesterday's news is anything to go by!!
Seriously though you travelogue with Radovan has been bringing all sorts of memories of my heritage back to me - I love the pics and the humour of them. Great stuff.
I think global warming is having an effect on the price of watermelon.... :) It is sooo yummy
Hello, Gary and others! I picked the name "Radovan" for my little guy since it is easier to pronounce than some other typical Serbian village names like Dobrivoj, Srboljub, or Zivojin! But my Radovan's last name isn't Karadzic! :<)
I'll take the ice cream please. I don't like coffee!
Bibi.. My email won't load and won't load and won't load.. It's driving me nuts because I have been thinking so much about you. I send all of my thoughts and a big hug your way. This may sound very silly and mushy but there is something so special and warm about you. I am enjoying getting to know you so much and look forward to the deepening of that friendship. You exude such a frank, warmn, funny, and kind personality. I was distraught by your news. You are in my prayers. Give that husband of yours a big hug from me too:) I'm sorry about writing on your blog. I chose an older post. I will open another email account if the problem persists so that I can hear your news!
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